Jeff, great work on the paperwork on Masts’ shady wheeling and dealing. What I want to know is how come the local media isn’t putting this out to the voting public so the voters can make an informed decision for this important seat in Congress. Could it only be b/c of his military service? We should all thank him for his service, however we should not reward him with another term in Washington for lining his pockets in doing public service. The founding fathers NEVER wanted career public servants. I know you are a business owner who wants to go to Washington to get the country back on track and not be a lifetime Washington “insider.” I hope when you win and head up there you will spearhead a crusade to get the term limits bill passed and flush these lifetime 80 something fossils out of Washington and on their rocking chairs in their multi-million dollar homes bought with hard earned tax payers money. Keep up the good fight and lets get this country back to and for the people.
Jeff, great work on the paperwork on Masts’ shady wheeling and dealing. What I want to know is how come the local media isn’t putting this out to the voting public so the voters can make an informed decision for this important seat in Congress. Could it only be b/c of his military service? We should all thank him for his service, however we should not reward him with another term in Washington for lining his pockets in doing public service. The founding fathers NEVER wanted career public servants. I know you are a business owner who wants to go to Washington to get the country back on track and not be a lifetime Washington “insider.” I hope when you win and head up there you will spearhead a crusade to get the term limits bill passed and flush these lifetime 80 something fossils out of Washington and on their rocking chairs in their multi-million dollar homes bought with hard earned tax payers money. Keep up the good fight and lets get this country back to and for the people.